Well I moved into a house in Valliant, Oklahoma. Am living by myself again. A very good friend took a job in Ardmore and ask me to live in her home so it would not be empty. I also have my VA benifits approved and have had several appointments the last was the 4th of August, and they did a heart cath. I have another artery blocked. They cannot open it--I must learn to live with it--just like the other two.
This living on a fixed income is sometimes very hard to do; but I am managing. I have learned the difference between wants and needs. Well, I will try to post everyday. Yea right.
Most Competitive Niches In Blogging & Business [How To Get Ahead]
When I learn about a new competitive niche, I am always interested in how
business owners succeed. The nature of a competitive niche means you ... Read
2 years ago